Greetings, all!
This is Sister Donna coming to you, in the name of Jesus. Mother Worth asked me for a blog. (Why did I immediately feel like I was in Sunday school----- without the answer to the question that was asked?) Thankfully, she told me to go with what God gives you. The first thing that came to mind was my FAVORITE verses of the Bible. Proverbs 3:5-6.
(Just like Reverend Mack used to say I'll be using the 5 B's ---Be brief, Brother, be brief)
Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
This is special to me because I truly held on to it while I was in the hospital last year with my stroke. At the time I needed comfort the most; GOD showed Himself mighty in my life, and I welcomed it. I remember them taking me to the stroke unit, and my 2nd day there a priest came in my room and asked could he pray for me. I told him, “sure,” and he did. He stopped by every day that he was in the hospital. I'm guessing God needed for me to be still. And I was for 21 days. In that 21 days I relied SOLELY on Him. I prayed and cried and prayed some more. I wrote on my window in big letters: ‘GOD LIVES HERE.'

I promised Him that as soon as I got out of the hospital I would be still and let Him direct my path. And I did. He let me regain my right side back! I had to practice my writing and walking but He did it! At the same time, my case management position was coming to an end, as the facility closed. He allowed me to get a new position with the same company, that was 15 minutes from my house (instead of the 45 minute drive out near the airport where I was). Let me tell it, MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES! Glory to God!! Hallelujah! Won't He do it? Yes He will! I don't know where I would be without His grace, mercy, and favor.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a storm; we don’t know where it came from or how we even got in it. But God knows. And just like all the other several millions of times---He saw me through. He will see you through, too. Know that! Oh, what a comfort that is to me. Just to know that if I give God the reverence that He's worthy of, He will make everything alright. Isn't that the ultimate comfort? I cannot tell you how many times GOD has seen me through the storm; but I can tell you this. HE WILL! God has no respect of persons. If He did it for me, He can and will do it for you. Just ask Him. My, my, my, what a mighty God we serve!!!
